I give
more to man, more to woman
not myself, anyone but me.
I’ve always had a hard time finding
the line between others and me.
Call me hyperpermeable
call me emotional theremin
call me other categoried—
So be it.
So be the vibratous fields of energy
between us, blending
our bodyborders fuzzy.
So be it I am addicted to intimacy
(false sense of safety).
So be the world. Everywhere you look
the world is tearing itself apart.
How does this body breathe?
How does it feel to rise
from sleep? The heart descends,
forgives itself. Every human
has felt this way: vast, tender, empty.
Pulled long against the weight
of its own body.
Some questions have answers that are easy
like if there’s red in the egg
have I interrupted something?
But how long to cook it
and much to share
depends. The oven, the relative hunger.
Everywhere you look the world
is tearing itself apart
which is why I want to be
so close.
published in subTerrain